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CSIR launches novel online climate risk profiling and adaptation tool: The Green Book

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Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Willemien van Niekerk, Alize le Roux, Amy Pieterse

29 May 2019


Willemien van Niekerk

Journal article

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

South Africa

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) recently launched a state-of-the-art online climate risk profiling and adaptation tool to assist municipalities across South Africa to assess their risk and vulnerabilities, and respond by adapting settlements to climate change. This review article published by the South African Journal of Science outlines how the Green Book looks forwards to the year 2050 by projecting settlement growth combined with quantitative, scientific evidence of the likely impacts that climate change will have on South African towns and cities and its key resources. The tool provides appropriate adaptation measures to be considered for implementation towards the development of climate resilient settlements. The ultimate goal of the Green Book is to contribute to resilient, sustainable and liveable South African settlements through climate change adaptation.


Website References


Climate Change/Resilience


Green Book

Human settlements

Natural environment



Smart Cities

South Africa

Urban and Regional Dynamics

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