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Gauteng Township Act compels municipalities to help ‘flip the script’ for entrepreneurs

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Gauteng Department of Economic Development

28 July 2022

Business Day


uKESA Librarian 2

Media article

South Africa

This article is about the Gauteng Township Act that encourages municipalities to transform townships into fully fledged commercial zones. According to the article, through this Act the Gauteng Province seeks to spend 40% of its procurement budget with township-based enterprises in an attempt to cut unemployment by two-thirds. This Act seeks to facilitate and promote inclusive economic growth along a transformative paradigm in order to build a cohesive and more equal society which is underpinned by: a growing and inclusive economy that harnesses the potential of all people in the republic who reside in Gauteng. It is also framed by research collected from townships, identifying the type of businesses located there and how support should be structured to address needs immediately.


Abstract based on source.

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Built environment

Cities and towns





Human settlements



South Africa


Township economies


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