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Keeping up the Pressure

The International Institute for Environment and Development Annual Review 2021

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The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)

22 February 2022


uKESA Librarian 3


Seychelles, Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau

2021, dubbed the ‘super year’ for climate and nature, delivered some significant successes for people and planet. Within the Northern development sector there was growing recognition that justice – climate, social and environmental – must be the starting point for any effective response to the challenges that arise. But with every achievement spurring greater ambition, and some pandemic-delayed ‘super’ moments yet to come, the IIED’s impact over the last 12 months cannot be considered in isolation. This annual review report also looks forward, anticipating how IIED will work with partners to make change happen in 2022.


The report discusses the anticipated pace of change and a new global biodiversity framework will influence the global approach to conservation for a decade. Ahead of November’s 27th UN climate summit, the IIED will be working to support the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in urgent action for climate justice.


To meet these and other ambitions for change, IIED will build on successes, lessons learned and groundwork laid in 2021 – some of which are included in this annual report: 


  • The work on managing debt to fulfil sustainability goals for climate and nature
  • The push to build local climate leadership
  • Initiatives to move forward on reducing inequalities
  • A growing ambition to transform cities, and 
  • The continuous drive to get the technical knowledge and experience of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to the centre of global deliberations.


Abstract based on source.


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Built environment

Climate Change/Resilience



Economics and development


Green economy


Human settlements

Indigenous peoples





Urban areas

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