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Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act

Housing and living conditions standard for the minerals industry

Article image

Department of Mineral Resources

11 December 2019

Department of Mineral Resources


Mining Towns Librarian, uKESA Librarian 2

Legislation / Regulations

Municipal Capability & Partnership Programme

South Africa

The Housing and Living Conditions Standard for the Minerals Industry, 2019 provides for housing and living conditions standard with clearly defined principles and processes and to guide mining right holders in providing decent housing and living conditions to mine employees.

The purpose of the Standard is to ensure that mining right holders provide decent liveable integrated human settlements, healthcare schemes, balanced nutrition, water, and related amenities to mine employees. It is applicable to an existing or new mining right holder providing housing and living conditions to mine employees. 

This Housing and Living Conditions Standard repeals the 2009 Housing and Living Conditions Standard.


Abstract based on original source.


Website References

Affordable housing

Built environment



Housing conditions

Human settlements



Mining Towns

Mining Towns Collection

Mining rights


Poverty & inequality


Small Towns

Social facilities

South Africa


Water and sanitation


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