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Maputo and informal land tenure arrangements

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UN Habitat, CW Kihato , L Royston , JA Raimundo , IM Raimundo

01 January 2013


Urban LandMark Librarian

Learning material

Urban LandMark


This case study draws on research that investigated the extensive informal land market in Maputo, Mozambique; specifically, how urban land is transacted and the mechanisms by which it is secured. The case study is based on a research study managed by Caroline Wanjiku Kihato and Lauren Royston, and undertaken by José Alberto Raimundo (Universidade Pedagógica, Maputo) and Inês Macamo Raimundo (Universidade Eduardo Modlane, Maputo). The work received technical and financial support from Urban LandMark. The case study presents an outline of land markets in Maputo, and various barriers to participation in the formal land market. It describes the informal system that has emerged in spite of the fact that the sale of land is technically illegal in Mozambique. 


This resource is part of a larger collection of case studies developed by Urban LandMark to translate research findings into learning materials.  


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Human settlements


Land access

Land economics

Land governance

Land management

Land markets

Land ownership

Land rights




Poverty & inequality

Tenure security

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