Positioning affordable and backyard rental housing as a key target in Kenya’s Affordable Housing Programme

16 December 2022
Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa, 71point4, Gmaurich Insights, The World Bank
Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa
This draft report titled Positioning Affordable and Backyard Rental Housing as a key target in Kenya’s Affordable Housing Programme is a comprehensive study commissioned by the World Bank in collaboration with various organisations, including the Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF), 71point4, Fatou Dieye, and Gmaurich Insights. The study specifically targets the status of affordable rental housing and backyarding in Kenya. Its primary objective is to provide a detailed characterisation of the rental market in Kenya, encompassing both formal and informal sectors.
The overarching goal is to assist the Government of Kenya in expanding its policy options on affordable housing to make housing more accessible, efficient, and equitable for lower-income households. Through a thorough analysis of the rental market and drawing insights from global best practises, the report aims to develop recommendations for appropriate interventions to support the development of Kenya's affordable rental housing market. Overall, the draft report serves as a preliminary overview of the study's objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes, to provide valuable insights and recommendations for stakeholders involved in housing development and urban planning in Kenya.
Abstract based directly on source.