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Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa




Brief Description

The Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (CAHF) has been operating as an independent think tank in South Africa since May 2014, pursuing its mission of making Africa’s housing finance markets work. CAHF’s work extends across the continent, and it is supported by and collaborates with a range of funders and partners.

CAHF brings information to the market place to enable stakeholders in the public and private sector to make policy and investment decisions in favour of improved access to affordable housing. Our emphasis is on the role that finance plays in realising this, and we champion market intelligence—data, market analytics and research—to stimulate investor interest and to support better policy. We are highly networked and engage with stakeholders at the local, national, regional, continental and global levels to support the realisation of investment towards affordable housing in Africa.

Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa



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