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Shaking Up the City

Ignorance, inequality and the urban question

Article image

Tom Slater

06 October 2021


uKESA Librarian 3


United States of America, South Africa, Italy, Ireland

Shaking Up the City critically examines many of the concepts and categories within mainstream urban studies that serve dubious policy agendas. Through a combination of theory and empirical evidence, Tom Slater “shakes up” mainstream urban studies in a concise and pointed fashion by turning on its head much of the prevailing wisdom in the field. To this end, he explores the themes of data-driven innovation, urban resilience, gentrification, displacement and rent control, neighborhood effects, territorial stigmatization, and ethnoracial segregation.

With important contributions to ongoing debates in sociology, geography, urban planning, and public policy, this book engages closely with struggles for land rights and housing justice to offer numerous insights for scholarship and political action to guard against the spread of an urbanism rooted in vested interest.


Abstract based directly on source


Website References

Cape Town


Human settlements




Land rights


Rental housing


South Africa

United States of America


Urban planning

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