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Smart Cities Paper Series

Smart Governance in South African Cities

Article image

Sireena Ramparsad, Luke Boyle, Rashiq Fataar, Monique Damons, Jokudu Guya, Jonathan Wilson, Tara Polzer-Ngwato, Prian Reddy, Vincent Siwawa

01 October 2020

Kristina Davidson


SACN Librarian

Research report

SA Cities Network


The smart city approach has been recognised for its wide-ranging principles and flexibility that allow cities to tailor approaches to the local and national challenges facing them. Countries considered to be smart have adapted the smart agenda to respond to local challenges (Mosco, 2019). Similarly, South African cities need to interpret the smart city concept to respond to their local challenges, in particular service delivery, poverty, inequality and poor technology.


This paper series attempts to use practical examples and experiences to work towards an understanding of what a smart city means for South African cities through smart governance. Smart governance, a key characteristic of smart cities, is the central theme of this paper series, as it allows us to explore how the smart city approach can benefit South African cities. 


This collection of papers and case studies form part of a larger research programme on innovation at the South African Cities Network (SACN). Its aim is to begin conversations within South African cities about the role and definition of a smart city, and how the concept can be used to respond to urban challenges.


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Smart Cities

South Africa


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