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The dynamics of the formal urban land market in South Africa

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Paul Zille, Francois Viruly, Mary Tomlinson, Timothy Hobden, Mariné Erasmus

26 June 2008

Urban LandMark


Urban LandMark Librarian

Research report

Urban LandMark

South Africa

This 2008 report, prepared for Urban LandMark by Genesis Analytics, aims to explain the dynamics of the formal urban land and property market in South Africa.

It provides a useful overview of the conceptual basis, the structural underpinnings and the operational dynamic that characterise the formal urban property market.

It also provides an insight into the relevance and potential value of the market as a contributor to the fulfilment of the South African government's urban housing supply and transformation objectives.

Abtract based directly on source.


Website References

Built environment



Gap market


Housing markets

Human settlements


Land markets


South Africa


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