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Improving access to land in urban and peri-urban areas - Webinar 2

Main Organiser

Habitat Forum (INHAF)

25 January 2023

15:00 - 17:00


Website Link

Geoffrey Payne hosted and moderated the webinars and invited an outstanding group of specialists from different age groups with academic and practical experience in urban land management covering all regions and critical aspects of land management. It was anticipated that the presentations would provide examples of innovative and pragmatic approaches to improving access to urban and peri-urban land in response to ever-increasing global demand.


In this second webinar, a wide range of other approaches to improving access to land in urban and peri-urban areas were presented. It is hoped that these would collectively provide valuable lessons for others seeking to promote socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable approaches to urban land management.


If you missed it, the recording of this event is available here


The event description is based directly on the source.

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