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35th International Geographical Congress (IGC)

Main Organiser

International Geographical Union

24 August 2024 - 30 August 2024

Dublin, Ireland


Website Link

The 35th International Geographical Congress (IGC) will be held in Ireland in August 2024. This is a unique opportunity to share the best of global geographic research, share common challenges and opportunities, and connect with colleagues from across the world. The IGC 2024 will continue the tradition of previous congresses in recognising that our world faces many common natural and societal challenges that can only be dealt with through global action, understanding and sharing. Geography as a discipline, its skills, attributes, and the geographic mindset have much to offer other disciplines, policymakers, officials, politicians, and our wider communities.


The theme of our congress is ‘Celebrating a World of Difference’ and we are strongly focused through our academic and fieldwork programme on supporting intercultural awareness and understanding; promoting intellectual diversity as a strength; bringing geographic research and thinking beyond the congress walls; and grappling with the complex interconnections between people, place and the natural world. In an increasingly contested, fragmented and troubled world, celebrating difference as a strength and acknowledging our common humanity is essential.


Event description based directly on the source.

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Conference Partners

Geographical Society of Ireland

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