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SPACE International Conference 2024 on Housing

Main Organiser

Studies of Planning and Architecture Consulting and Education

28 November 2024 - 29 November 2024


Website Link


The 7th SPACE International Conference on Housing will be held in London and online on the 28th and 29th November 2024. The theme is ‘Reimagining Homes and Communities: Framing Political, Economic, Social Challenges and Inequalities’

The conference theme, “Reimagining Homes and Communities: Framing Political, Economic, Social Challenges, and Inequalities,” serves as a scholarly compass directing attention towards the multifaceted challenges and disparities embedded in the realms of housing. This theme encapsulates a critical exploration of the complex interplay between political, economic, and social dimensions that significantly impact the conception and sustenance of homes and communities. Scholars and experts converging on this thematic terrain engage in a profound examination of the disparities in housing structures, policies, and socio-economic factors.


The conference serves as a crucible for the discussion of innovative strategies and frameworks aimed at reimagining and addressing the pervasive challenges, with a keen emphasis on inclusivity, social justice, and sustainability. This conference endeavours to catalyse transformative dialogue and action in pursuing more equitable and resilient living environments by framing political, economic, and social challenges within the discourse on homes and communities.


Event description based directly on the source.

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