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African Real Estate Society (AfRES) 23rd Annual Conference

Main Organiser

African Real Estate Society (AfRES)

10 September 2024 - 13 September 2024

Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya, Livingstone Resort, Confluence of the Maramba River and, Mosi - Oa - Tunya Road, Livingstone, Zambia


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Founded in 1997, the African Real Estate Society (AfRES) promotes collaboration and innovation among property professionals and academics across Africa. The 2024 AfRES conference, themed "Smart Cities in Africa for the 21st Century," will be held in Livingstone, Zambia. This event convenes stakeholders to explore transformative approaches to urban development. Featuring keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops, the conference aims to drive sustainable solutions for inclusive and resilient African cities. 


Event description based directly on the source.

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