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Planning Africa 2024 Conference

Main Organiser

South African Planning Institute

18 August 2024 - 21 August 2024

Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani, Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban, South Africa


Website Link


The conference themed “Sustainable Futures: From Theory to Practice” explores sustainable city development within the African context, addressing the rapid urbanisation, population growth, and peri-urban development unique to the continent. It delves into various subthemes including the adaptability of Eurocentric development models, the role of informal settlements in sustainable planning, the contribution of public and paratransit systems, climate resilience, and the integration of indigenous knowledge. The conference examines the balance between social justice, economic development, and environmental sustainability, highlighting the role of local governments and the need for sustainable governance. It questions current infrastructure priorities, advocates for breaking unsustainable dependencies, and evaluates the effectiveness of existing planning systems in fostering sustainable development across Africa.


Event description based directly on the source.

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