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Spatial Temporal Evidence for Planning South Africa (stepSA)




Brief Description

Spatial and Temporal Evidence for Planning in South Africa (stepSA) is an initiative aimed at generating and disseminating evidence on the development dynamics and inter-dependencies in, and between, settlements and regions across South Africa. The purpose of stepSA is to support multi-role player collaboration and investment decisions that can contribute to sustainable and inclusive urban and rural development. The evidence base consists of a wide range of place-specific (territorial) indicators that enables comparative analyses of settlements, towns and regions, within and across administrative borders. StepSA enables profiling of urban-rural and regional dynamics in support of cross-border, inter-sectoral and inter-governmental collaboration. Spatial profiles, trends and scenarios generated through this evidence base have been instrumental in shaping national, regional and sector policies and plans, and are increasingly used in support of industry and government collaboration, investment and risk management.

The initiative started as a research program funded by the Department of Science and Innovation, in association with the CSIR and HSRC as national research councils (2007-2017) and is currently hosted and maintained by the CSIR, Urban and Regional Dynamics Research Group. Ongoing innovation and access to indicators and analyses are made possible through projects and/or research conducted for, as well as in collaboration with, various government and industry role players.

The stepSA collection of evidence largely emanates from research and project use cases, including:

• Disaster risk reduction for the national COVID-19 response,
• Urban development simulation for the Gauteng City Region,
• National Spatial Development Framework,
• National Development Plan,
• SA GreenBook for Settlement Climate Change Adaptation,
• Waterberg District Development Profile,
• Northern Cape Economic Development Initiative,
• Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework,
• Municipal Capacity Building in Mining Municipalities,
• Regional Economic Development Baseline for Mining Regions,
• Cross-border municipal planning capacity development, and
• The Toolkit for Rural Social Facility Planning.

Spatial Temporal Evidence for Planning South Africa (stepSA)


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